The Portal

Beings, Agents And The Corrupted

The many ways and systems of The Portal is surprisingly organized yet sophisticated, for such a fearsome, chaotic, and especially barbaric army. Though the world fights itself, The Portal fights the world, and has taken down countless societies, both small, powerful, and strong.

Portal Beings

The Ones Who Invade

This branch, made up of the weaker, less independent, non-sentient, or high populous demons and imps,  are used to take over entire castles and lands, or just invade an outback village. Though the face for the Portal, they aren't the only ones. There is perhaps 50+ (May Change) different types of Portal Beings, and thus they each have different abilities, skills, intelligence, or roles due to it (The Grunt isn't the only Portal Being).

Portal Agents

The Ones Who Lead 

This branch, made up of assassins, generals, spies, and other types of special jobs are (Players/Roleplayers) Special Demons and Imps, with their own abilities and roles. Though able to do the same functions as Portal Beings, these are usually not seen by the general public, and thus are almost a mystery to all. SPOC states that a single Portal Agent is worth 1,000 SPOC Soldiers.

The Corrupted

The Ones Who Fallen


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